Soulmates Joining the Journey to Preserve Vietnamese Memories

𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐬 - “Awesome - Amazing”
Born with the same red blood and yellow skin.
Growing up with every lullaby of mother.
Grown up through the hardships of 4000 years of history.
Carrying with it so many memories, ambitions and full of pride the two words "Nation".

Wherever they go, Vietnamese people always have the same concern: "What to do to preserve and promote Vietnamese values?"

“Viet Souvenirs, Vietnamese People - Vietnamese Stories” is a project that TOBI has been nurturing for a long time with the desire to create Vietnamese values ​​through fashion - creating wearable art products. The product line shows the cherishing of each memory and the meticulousness in the production process, helping TOBI proudly “Made By Viet” - a brand created by Vietnamese people, not “Made In Vietnam” (manufactured in Vietnam).

“Wait until when, if not today!”.

TOBI Team with the spirit of "Young people draw the future" along with ambitions, proudly creates wearable art products and each product will make us proud, not because "Made In Vietnam" but because we are proud of "Made By Viet" products.

With the desire to launch the TOBI Heritages™ product line - using hand-made silk screen printing to turn T-shirts into artistic, wearable products (Wearable-Art). TOBI and Production Director Quyen Cun have worked tirelessly to bring to customers products with exclusive hand-screen printing techniques to create wearable works of art, not just t-shirts.

The journey of turning small things into extraordinary things

The companionship of all of you in this journey has turned small things into extraordinary things. TOBI sincerely thanks our close friends who have made us proud, bringing to the Vietnamese people "Purely Vietnamese" products.

Maybe "Purely Vietnamese" products will still be a bit incomplete, but we have the right to be proud of what Vietnamese people can do.

TOBI hopes to have your support in this journey of turning small things into extraordinary things. You are the motivation for TOBI to improve ourselves and fuel the fire. Local brand reaches out to the world.

Join us in wearing pride, preserving Vietnamese culture and fueling the aspiration for Vietnamese brands.

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